बुधवार, 26 जुलाई 2023

What is disaster

 What is disaster

  A disaster refers to a sudden and significant event or series of events that cause widespread and often catastrophic damage, disruption, and loss of life and property. Disasters can be of natural or human-induced origin and can have severe impacts on individuals, communities, and even entire regions. They often overwhelm the affected area's ability to cope, requiring external assistance for response and recovery.

Types of disasters include:

1. Natural Disasters: These are events caused by natural processes and forces, such as geological, meteorological, hydrological, and biological phenomena. Examples include earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, droughts, wildfires, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and landslides.

2. Technological/Industrial Disasters: These result from accidents or failures in technological and industrial processes, such as chemical spills, nuclear accidents, explosions, and infrastructure collapses.

3. Environmental Disasters: As mentioned in the previous response, these disasters specifically refer to events that cause severe damage to the natural environment, ecosystems, and living organisms.

4. Human-Induced Disasters: These are disasters caused by human actions or negligence, such as wars, terrorism, civil unrest, and human-made environmental catastrophes like deforestation and pollution.

Disasters can have wide-ranging effects on communities and societies, including loss of life and injuries, damage to infrastructure and property, displacement of people, economic losses, and social and psychological impacts. Effective disaster management involves preparedness, response, and recovery strategies to minimize the negative impacts and help affected communities rebuild and move forward.

Governments, organizations, and individuals play essential roles in disaster management by implementing preventive measures, creating emergency response plans, establishing early warning systems, conducting drills and exercises, and offering humanitarian aid and support to affected populations. The goal is to reduce the risk and vulnerability to disasters and enhance resilience in the face of future challenges.

सोमवार, 24 जुलाई 2023

Zak Storm Season 2 New Update 2023

  Zak Storm New Update 2023

       Zak Storm (also known as Zak,Content:Zak Storm (also known as Zak Storm: Super Pirate) is a computer animated television series produced by Zagtoon, Method Animation, De Agostini Editore, SAMG Animation, MNC Animation, and Man of Action. 


Created by :- Zag Heroez  Man of Action
Developed by :-  Jeremy Zag Man of Action
No. of seasons :- 1, 2 ( release soon)
No. of episodes :- 39 (list of episodes) ( season 1)
When will season 2 release?

  Second season is currently in the works. 

रविवार, 23 जुलाई 2023

Top 3 Animation Movie in Hindi ( Release on 2023 ) Upcoming Animation Movie

 Top 3 Animation Movie in Hindi 

Movie name :- 

1. Migration  

          Release Date :-   22 ,December, 2023 (Expected)


Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy


A family of ducks try to convince their overprotective father to go on the vacation of a lifetime.

2.The Monkey King 

Release Date 18,August, 2023 (Expected)


Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy


THE MONKEY KING is an action-packed family comedy that follows a charismatic Monkey and his magical fighting Stick on an epic quest for victory over 100 demons, an eccentric Dragon King, and Monkey's greatest foe of all -his own ego. Along the way, a young village girl challenges his self-centered attitude and shows him that even the smallest pebble can have a big effect on the world.

3. Leo 

Release Date :- 21, November, 2023 (Expected)


Animation, Comedy, Family, Musical


The last year of elementary school as seen through the eyes of a class pet. A jaded 74-year-old lizard named Leo has been stuck in the same Florida classroom for decades with his turtle terrarium-mate. When he learns that he only has one year left to live, he plans to escape to experience life on the outside, but instead gets caught up in his anxious students' problems--such as an impossibly mean substitute teacher.

शनिवार, 22 जुलाई 2023

Project K (Kalki 2898-A.D)

 Project K Kalki 2898-A.D

      Kalki 2898-A.D एक upcoming Indian mythological-epic science fiction dystopian फिल्म है, जो नाग अश्विन द्वारा लिखित और निर्देशित है। इसका निर्माण वैजयंती मूवीज के तहत सी. असवानी दत्त ने किया है। फिल्म में प्रभास, अमिताभ बच्चन, कमल हासन, दीपिका पादुकोण, दिशा पटानी और पसुपति सहित कई कलाकार शामिल हैं।   

       फिल्म की घोषणा फरवरी 2020 में वैजयंती मूवीज की 50वीं वर्षगांठ के मौके पर Project K नाम से की गई थी। हालाँकि, COVID-19 महामारी के कारण उत्पादन में एक वर्ष की देरी हुई। फिल्मांकन जुलाई 2021 में हैदराबाद के रामोजी फिल्म सिटी के एक भविष्य के सेट में शुरू हुआ।
Movie Details 
Movie title :- Kalki 2898 AD
Budget of movie :- 600crore(US$75 million)
Release date :- 12 January 2024

बुधवार, 19 जुलाई 2023



Due To Technology Global is in Our Hands 

      One of the most significant ways technology has changed human life is through communication. With the rise of smartphones, social media, and instant messaging apps, we can now instantly connect with people from all over the world. This has made it easier than ever to stay in touch with friends and family, even if they live on the other side of the globe. However, this constant connectivity has also led to a rise in digital addiction, with many people feeling the need to constantly check their phones and social media feeds.

     Technology has transformed the way we live our lives in countless ways. From the way we communicate to the way we work and play, technology has revolutionized every aspect of human life. However, as we continue to rely more and more on technology, it's important to consider the impact it has on our lives, both positive and negative.

Positive Effect Of Technology:

  1. Technology Advances Education
  2. It Boosts Business
  3. It Increases Income Generation
  4. Increases connectivity with friends, family, etc
  5. Technology consumes less time to complete any task

     technology has the potential to greatly improve our lives. For example, advances in medical technology have led to significant improvements in healthcare, from new treatments for cancer to robotic surgery.

Nowadays we are using technology and gadgets more in our life due to this we are facing some negative effects

Negative Effect Of Technology:

  1. Lack of attention
  2. Health issues
  3. Psychological effects
  4. Technology affects our sleeping habits
  5. Technology is a constant source of distraction

मंगलवार, 24 मई 2022

Thor: Love and Thunder

 Thor: Love and Thunder

Thor: Love and Thunder is an upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Thor.

 Produced by :- Marvel Studios 

 Released date :- July 8, 2022

       Thor: Love and Thunder is scheduled to be released in the United States on July 8, 2022. It was previously set for release on November 5, 2021, but was delayed to February 18, 2022, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was then moved up a week to February 11 once Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness was rescheduled from November 2021 to March 2022, and delayed once again to May 6, 2022, in December 2020, before shifting to the July 2022 date in October 2021. It will be part of Phase Four of the MCU.

बुधवार, 23 मार्च 2022

New animation movie released in 2022 ( list of movie and released date )


1. Puss in Boots 2 : The last wish 
     Animation , Adventure , Comedy
             Released Date : 23 September 2022 (expected)

2. Lightyear 
         Animation , Action , Adventure
                 Released date : 17 June 2022

3. DC League of Super- Pets
           Animation , Action , Adventure
                      Released date :  29 July 2022 (expected)

4. Spider-man : Across the Spider-verse-part One
              Animation , Action , Adventure
                          Released date : 7 October 2022

5. Ladybug and cat Noir : Awakening (miraculous)
                 Animation , Action , Adventure
                         Post- production
                               Released date : 2022 (expected)

Watch Top 5 Kdramas In Hindi Dubbed

 Watch Top 5 Kdramas In Hindi Dubbed  1. The Law Cafe      A bright and quirky lawyer wants to open a cafe that offers free legal advice. Th...
