What is disaster A disaster refers to a sudden and significant event or series of events that cause widespread and often catastrophic damage, disruption, and loss of life and property. Disasters can be of natural or human-induced origin and can have severe impacts on individuals, communities, and even entire regions. They often overwhelm the affected area's ability to cope, requiring external assistance for response and recovery. Types of disasters include: 1. Natural Disasters: These are events caused by natural processes and forces, such as geological, meteorological, hydrological, and biological phenomena. Examples include earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, droughts, wildfires, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, and landslides. 2. Technological/Industrial Disasters: These result from accidents or failures in technological and industrial processes, such as chemical spills, nuclear accidents, explosions, and infrastructure collapses. 3. Environmental Disasters: As mentioned in th...