गुरुवार, 3 दिसंबर 2020

Direct and indirect speech

Direct and indirect speech


1) Mahan said , " I am very happy "

Ans : Mahan said that he was  very happy.

2) Ram said t , " I am ill "

Ans : Ram said that he was ill.

3) I said to him ," you are my best friend "

Ans : I told him that he was my best friend .

4) She says, " I shall go "

Ans : She says that she will go.

5) Mather Earth says," I am very sad "

Ans : Mather Earth says that she is very sad.

6) He will say," I am writing a letter "

Ans : He will say that he writing a letter.

7) Mahan says," I am very intelligent"

Ans : Mahan says that he is very intelligent.

8) The teacher said," the Earth moves around the Sun "

Ans : The teacher said that the Earth moves around Sun. 

Direct and indirect speech
Direct and indirect speech



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