If-not = unless & Unless = If-not
If-not = unless
1) If you do not study, you will not pass .
Ans : Unless you study, you will not pass .
2) If you world hard , you will succeed.
Ans : Unless you world hard , you will not succeed.
3) If you do not behave, you will have to find another job.
Ans : Unless you behave, you will have to find another job.
Unless = If-not
1) Unless he meets me, I shall not help.
Ans : If he does not meet me , I shall not help.
2) Unless you play , you will not improve .
Ans : If you do not play , you will not improve .
3) Unless you speak truth , no one will respect you .
Ans : If you do not speak truth , no one will respect you .
4) unless you are careful , they might prove danger .
Ans : If you are not careful , they might prove danger .
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