रविवार, 6 दिसंबर 2020

Not only-----but also example

 Not only-----but also


1) He is rich and powerful.

Ans : He is not only rich but also powerful.

2) She is beautiful and intelligent.

Ans : She is not only beautiful but also intelligent.

3) The weather was mild and sunny.

Ans : The weather was not only  mild but also sunny.

4) She was singing and dancing.

Ans :  She was not only singing but also dancing.

5) He was rewarded by the police and the jeweler.

Ans : He was not only rewarded by the police  but also the jeweler.

6) The people praised their prince and celebrated his great deeds.

Ans : The people not only  praised their prince but also  celebrated his great deeds.

7) He caught and shuffled his feet.

Ans : He not only caught but also shuffled his feet.

8) He was grieved and surprised.

Ans : He was not only grieved but also surprised.

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