बुधवार, 13 जनवरी 2021

Types of Taxes

 Types of Taxes

 There are two main types of taxes. they are :  

1) Direct Tax 

2) Indirect Tax 

1) Direct Tax : It is paid by the taxpayer on his income and property. The burden of tax is borne by the person on whom it is levied. As he cannot transfer the burden of the tax to others, impact and incidence of direct tax falls on the same person. For example- personal income tax, wealth tax etc.

2) Indirect Tax  : It is levied on goods or services. It is paid at the tine of production or sale and purchase of a commodity or a service. The burden of an indirect tax can be shifted by the taxpayer (producers) to other person. Hence, impact and incidence of tax are on different heads. For example- newly implemented goods and services Tax (GST) in India has replaced almost all indirect taxes, custom duty. 

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