गुरुवार, 6 मार्च 2025

Watch Top 5 Kdramas In Hindi Dubbed

 Watch Top 5 Kdramas In Hindi Dubbed 

1. The Law Cafe 
    A bright and quirky lawyer wants to open a cafe that offers free legal advice. This drama watch on jiohotstar.

2. Bad Prosecutor 
      Jin Jung, a delinquent prosecutor, uses unorthodox methods to punish those who commit crimes. He goes to extreme lengths to protect underprivileged people.This drama watch on jiohotstar.

3. Witch At Court
     Ma Yi-deum, a prosecutor who uses any means possible to win her cases, is transferred to another department that deals with sex offenders. Grudgingly, Yeo Jin-wook, a new lawyer, is helping her. This drama watch on Netflix 
4. Extraordinary Attorney Woo
    Woo Young Woo is a young lawyer with Asperger's syndrome. She boasts a high IQ, an impressive memory and a wonderfully creative thought process, but she struggles with everyday interactions. This drama watch on Netflix 

5. Queen of Mystry
     As a child, Yoo Seolok always wanted to be a detective but gives up her dream after marriage. When she meets Ha Wan-Seung, a passionate detective, she decides to solve mysterious cases with him.

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Watch Top 5 Kdramas In Hindi Dubbed

 Watch Top 5 Kdramas In Hindi Dubbed  1. The Law Cafe      A bright and quirky lawyer wants to open a cafe that offers free legal advice. Th...
